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Integrity Pact

The Integrity Pact is applicable for HPCL Tenders and Contracts of value Rupees 1 Crore and above.

Throughout its functioning period, HPCL has upheld the important features like total transparency, integrity and accountability. The virtues are integrated into the system as prerequisite for achieving its Vision of becoming a major integrated energy major. HPCL's business relationships with its numerous domestic and international contractors and vendors of goods and services are steered constantly towards a well thought of direction with high transparency and ethical standard as guiding lights in the transaction process.

HPCL also supports The UN Global Compact's ten principles External Website that opens in a new window among which a prominent one is "Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery". HPCL has taken up the charge to translate this ideal into business practice. It is all about being able to look beyond business, into the domain of initiating real changes.

HPCL has been among the first Public sector units to sign an MOU with Transparency International India (TII) in July 2007 for the implementation of the integrity Pact in procurement processes and contracts. The Integrity Pact has come into effect from 1st Sept 2007. The Integrity Pact is applicable for contracts of value Rupees 1 Crore and above. The Integrity Pact and the appointment of Independent External Monitors (IEM) has been conceptualized to usher in greater transparency in the purchase process. Apart from ensuring a higher level of transparency, the process is also beneficial for resolving dispute through the IEM.

Under the above mechanism IEM(s) is/are appointed by HPCL in consultation with TII and Central Vigilance Commission (CVC). The implementation procedure is full of co-operation and monitoring of standard. HPCL has effortlessly stood the test of time to emerge as the organization with integrity and commitment to transparency.

Brief profile of the IEM(s) is as under:

Shri Bhagwan Shankar

Shri Bhagwan Shankar was appointed as an Independent External Monitor of....

Shri Capt. Anoop Kumar Sharma

Shri Capt. Anoop Kumar Sharma was appointed as an Independent External Monitor of....

Shri Rajesh Ranjan

Shri Rajesh Ranjan was appointed as an Independent External Monitor...

The Salient Features of the Integrity pact include:

  • The Commitment of HPCL and bidder / contractor to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption
  • Disqualification from tender process and exclusion from future contracts in the event of misconduct disregarding the "Integrity Pact"
  • The provision of compensation for damages
  • Declaration by the bidder with reference to any previous transgression
  • Equality in dealing with of all bidders / contractors / sub-contractors
  • The provision of filing criminal charges against bidders / contractors / sub-contractors that violate the 'Integrity Pact'
  • Provision of Independent External Monitor (IEM) to oversee the bidding process, award of contracts and the progress of the contract. The assurance of highest possible transparency

Contact Address for the IEM(s):

C/o The Company Secretary,
HPCL, 6th Floor,
Petroleum House,
17, Jamshedji Tata Road,
Mumbai 400020.

Tel: +91-22-22863611,22045223
Fax: +91-22-22841573
E-Mail: corphqo[at]hpcl[dot]co[dot]in