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International Trade department deals with procurement of Crude Oil for the refineries situated in Mumbai and Visakhapatnam with combined crude throughput of 18 MMT. 78% of the crude oil requirement is met from imports and the remaining from indigenous sources. The department also undertakes import and export of petroleum products. The volume of import and export of petroleum products for FY 2020-21 was 7.18 MMT. Further, the department manages chartering of ships for ocean transportation, mainly for Crude Oil and LPG as well as for coastal transportation of White Oil, Black Oil and Lube Oil across various ports in India. Total tonnage hired is typically 17 Million DWT per annum.
The main activities of the department are to ensure:
HPCL has a very wide crude basket comprising 144 grades of Crude Oil. In order to ensure security of supplies, these grades are sourced from well-diversified regions across the world viz. Middle-East, South Asia, West Africa, North America, South America, Russia and North Sea. Crude Oils are imported both on term and spot contracts
Petroleum Products Import
HPCL imports various finished petroleum products for meeting demand in the domestic market. The products imported include:
Petroleum Product Exports
HPCL exports various petroleum products from its refineries. The products exported are:
For registering as counterparty for supply of crude oil or for sale/ purchase of petroleum products, a duly filled up Registration form (100 KB)
is required to be submitted, on the letterhead of the counterparty duly signed by the authorized signatory along with the requisite enclosures to:
Counterparties are considered for registration upon fulfilment of various criteria for this purpose.
Shipping department meets the ocean transportation requirement mainly for import of Crude Oil and LPG as well the coastal transportation requirement for White Oils, Black Oils and Lube Oils across various ports in India. HPCL employs vessels of various sizes on Time Charter, Voyage Charter and under Contract of Affreightment (CoA)
Activities of the Shipping Department include:
For any query related to shipping activities, you may contact: