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Selection for LPG Distributorship will be made by inviting applications through Advertisement/ Notification under appropriate category in newspapers. The details of the locations advertised will be available at the portal https://www.lpgvitarakchayan.in.

The applicants for the locations advertised shall submit their applications by registering on the web based portal https://www.lpgvitarakchayan.in and submitting their application form online, along with requisite non-transferable non-refundable application fee (submitted through online transfer of money). The selection for these types of LPG Distributorships will be done by conducting draw of lots from amongst all the eligible applicants for the location.

For more information, please visit https://www.lpgvitarakchayan.in. For any further clarifications, please contact our LPG Regional office.

Ans. New LPG Connections are now available on demand across the country. In case you do not have an LPG connection from any of the PSU Oil Companies in your household and/or in your name you can avail domestic connection. For a domestic connection, please approach the nearest HP GAS distributor serving your area, with a valid proof of identity and address. The following documents are accepted as Proof of Identity (POI) and Proof of Address (POA):

PAN Card Ration Card
Voter’s Identity Card Land line Telephone Bill (not more than three months old)
Aadhaar Card Passport
Driving Licence Employer's Certificate
Central/State Government Issued ID cards Flat allotment / possession letter from Builder
Bank Passbook with Photograph House registration papers /Property Tax Document
- LIC policy
- Voter’s Identity Card
- Driving License
- Registered Leave and Licence Document
- Bank Passbook
- Aadhaar Card

Alternately you may book for new HP GAS connection online.

For release of connection, you will be required to pay security deposit at the following rates:

States Cylinder Pressure Regulator
North Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Manipur Rs. 2000/- for 14.2 kg Cylinder, Rs. 1150/- for 5 kg Cylinder Rs. 200/-
Rest of India Rs. 2200/- for 14.2 kg Cylinder Rs. 1150/- for 5 kg Cylinder Rs. 250/-

Additionally, the following cost will be chargeable:

  • Cost of Refill (s) – Retail Selling Price applicable to the market.
  • Stamp duty on actuals is levied, wherever applicable.

However before release of an LPG connection, you should be in possession of an ISI marked Hotplate conforming to IS:4246 and a Suraksha LPG hose confirming to IS:9573 (Type IV), so that after release of LPG connection, it may be installed at your residence immediately.

View Service Charges applicable towards Installation / Inspection: (205 KB)pdficon

Please view KYC form for HPGAS (312 KB)pdficon   and Declaration to Avail New Connection (45.4 KB) pdficon  

Kindly note that in certain states/UT, as per orders received from the State Government, New connections can be released only against production of ration cards.

If you need any further help, kindly contact our LPG Regional Officefor the area.

a. What is KYC?

Ans. KYC (Know your consumer) is a format which helps consumers to provide relevant details for (1) Proof of identity and (2) Proof of Address along with a few personal details.

b. Why am I required to submit the KYC form?

The prospective customers, the customers who need to regularize their connections, the customers who want to reactivate their dormant customer status, also in case of transfer of connection and change of name in case of death of connection holder, the KYC is required to be submitted.

c. I have received letter from the HPGAS distributor about possessing of multiple connections. What should I do?

As per the control order of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MOPNG), one household can possess only one LPG connection.(201 KB)pdficon    Multiple connections are not allowed, and should be surrendered immediately. One can opt for the 2nd cylinder, if not already available on the retained connection, after surrendering the multiple connection(s).

Oil Marketing Companies undertake identification of multiple connections from time to time and publish the list of suspect cases on their websites.

In case your name/address features in the suspect list but you genuinely do not possess multiple LPG connections, then you are required to submit KYC form, along with Proof of identity as well as Proof of Address indicating that the households are different, to your distributor.

d. I do not possess multiple connections. However, I have been told to submit KYC. What should I do?

In case your name/address features in the suspect list but you genuinely do not possess multiple LPG connections, then you are required to submit KYC form, along with Proof of identity as well as Proof of Address indicating that the households are different, to your distributor.

e. From where can I get the KYC form?

KYC for is available with your distributor, free of cost. You can also download the KYC form here.(312 KB) pdficon

Under the existing provisions Piped Natural Gas (PNG) consumer is not allowed to use subsidized LPG. PNG connection holders are allowed to keep one LPG Connection in their household and Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies (OMC’s) are permitted to supply LPG at non-subsidized rate. For more details Click here.(28 KB)pdficon Please approach your distributor for completing the process.

HPCL is committed to the safety and conservation of Petroleum products. To enable the conservation of LPG, HPCL has entered into a tie-up with certain manufacturers for manufacturing and sale of high thermal efficiency BIS approved stoves as also glass top stoves with 7 mm thickness toughened glass top and BIS approved stoves.

There is no compulsion for customers to buy these items from the LPG distributor. Message with regard to the above is prominently displayed at the distributorship

In case of loss of SV, customer has to submit a Declaration as per format;(21.3 KB) pdficon which is also available with our concerned Customer Service Cell or distributor.

In case, the transfer is within the city or in certain adjoining city, then

  • The existing distributor will issue e-Customer Transfer Advise (e-CTA) ie. Authorisation Code on production of Subscription Voucher (SV). The e-CTA is valid for 3 months from the date of issue.
  • The SV with the Authorisation Code should be produced to the new distributor, who will enroll the customer & return the original SV after endorsement. The SV is an important document and should be retained safely.
  • Here, the equipment (cylinder + regulator) need not be surrendered, but be carried by the customer.

In case of transfer of connection is out of town,

  • The distributor at the current location will issue Termination Voucher (TV) and will refund the deposit amount mentioned in the SV, on surrender of existing equipment (cylinder/s and regulator). Amount paid as Permanent Advance under PAHAL Scheme, if any, will be adjusted on refund of deposit amount in such cases.
  • The TV is valid for one year from the date of issue.
  • Do not surrender your Domestic Gas Consumer Card. The same card can be used at the new location after endorsement by the new distributor.
  • Reconnection can be availed at the new place by payment of the same deposit amount mentioned in the TV. Please collect the new SV and retain it safely.

There is also a provision for collecting HP Gas equipment from your premises. If you desire to avail the service, upon your request, the distributor can arrange to collect HP Gas equipment from your premises, subject to payment of  applicable charges (Circular on Service charges for LPG distributorships (204 KB)pdficon )

Name change can be done in the following cases:

(i) Death of SV Holder:

To transfer the connection in the name of legal heir / within the family, after death of consumer, please submit the following to the distributor.

  • An application with details
  • Legal Heir certificate
  • NOC from other Legal Heirs of the deceased consumer
  • Death Certificate
  • Completed KYC form (312 KB)pdficon    with valid Proof of Identity (POl) and Proof of Address (POA).
  • In case original SV is lost, submit affidavit in the as per format (Loss of SV TV.pdf)pdficon

In case the next of kin is not in a position to produce Legal heir Certificate, please submit request in the form of Declaration on plain paper (109 KB)pdficon

The deposit will remain the same as in the original SV. Name will be changed by preparing TV and issuing a new SV for the Beneficiary family member.

(ii) Due to Marriage:

Please submit the following to your distributor.

  • An application with details
  • Documents giving proof of marriage (marriage certificate)
  • Original SV /In case original SV is lost, submit declaration as per format (Loss of SV TV.pdf)

The deposit will remain the same as in the original SV.

(iii) Change in name during lifetime of Consumer:

  • Transfer of LPG connection within family (ie. Father, Mother, Brother Sister, Son, Daughter, Spouse) is permitted.
  • Original SV holder has to submit his written consent, in Annexure (109 KB)pdficon    to transfer his connection to a specific family member.
  • Additionally, the family member receiving the connection has to submit a declaration on plain paper, in Annexure (138 KB)pdficon    indemnifying HPCL regarding this connection.
  • In case original SV is lost, submit declaration in the as per format (Loss of SV TV.pdf (35.4 KB))pdficon
  • ?Completed KYC form (312 KB)pdficon  with valid Proof of Identity (POl) and Proof of Address (POA).
  • The deposit will remain the same as in the original SV. Name will be changed by preparing TV and issuing a new SV for the Beneficiary family member.
  • (iv) Person in possession of the cylinder/s and pressure regulator and SV of an authorized Customer

    A. In case the person is holding the Cylinder (s), regulator and the SV, the name of connection holder can be changed as follows:

    • The person, in whose name the original SV was issued will give his consent, in Annexure,(109 KB)pdficon     to transfer the connection in the name of the person actually holding the SV & equipment.
    • In addition, the actual holder of the SV & equipment, shall submit declaration, in Annexure,(138 KB) on plain paperpdficon   indemnifying the Corporation regarding this connection. Both, The consent letter and declaration should be submitted to the LPG Distributor.
    • Submit Completed KYC form (312 KB)pdficon    Proof of identity and Proof of Address.
    • In case original SV is lost, submit declaration as per format (Loss of SV TV.pdf (35.4 KB))pdficon
    • Security deposit: shall be at the prevailing rates. Subscription Voucher (SV) will be issued in the name of the present holder of the Cylinder & DPR after collecting differential security deposit (difference between the security deposit amount as in the surrendered SV and the prevailing deposit rate).

    B. In case the person holding the SV & equipment is not in a position to submit the consent letter as per Annexure-A, the name of connection holder can be changed as follows:

    • Submit declaration, as per Annexure-C on plain paper (127 KB) pdficon   indemnifying HPCL.
    • Submit Completed KYC form (312 KB)pdficon   , Proof of identity and Proof of Address.
    • In case original SV is lost, submit declaration as per format (Loss of SV TV (35.4 KB))
    • Security deposit: shall be at the prevailing rates. Subscription Voucher (SV) will be issued in the name of the present holder of the Cylinder & DPR after collecting differential security deposit (difference between the security deposit amount as in the surrendered SV and the prevailing deposit rate).

    (v) Person in possession of the cylinder/s and pressure regulator without any connecting document (SV/DGCC):

    In case the person holding the LPG equipment without any connecting document (SV/DGCC), the connection can be regularized as follows:

    • Submit declaration as per Annexure-E. (91.6 KB).pdficon  
    • Submit Completed KYC form (312 KB)pdficon   , Proof of identity and Proof of Address.
    • Security deposit: shall be at the prevailing rates
    • New SV will be issued against the existing cylinder and regulator.

    Please insist on cash memo and charges shall be paid only as per cash memo. The various charges including deposits and service charges are displayed at the showroom.

    Yes. The refills can be booked by different ways -

      HP PAY Mobile App: This mobile APP is available under Play Store for Android & IOS
    • HP ANY Time (IVRS) : Dial from your registered mobile to State specific IVRS numbers (09 HP Gas Refill Booking options.docx (18 KB))Excel File
    • SMS :Through SMS from Registered Mobile Number

      SMS “HPGAS” to your State specific IVRS no as given above

    • HP Gas Portal:: www.myhpgas.in
    • Umang Mobile App: This mobile APP is available under Play Store for Android & IOS
    • PayTM : Select “Book a Cylinder” – Select Your Gas Provider – select “HP Gas” - enter consumer no or registered mobile no for booking cylinder
    • WhatsApp : WhatsApp keyword “Book” to 92222 01122 from your registered mobile number
    • Missed Call : Just give a missed call on 94936 02222 from your registered mobile number
    • Amazon Pay: Amazon mobile APP is available under Play Store for Android & IOS
    • At your HP Gas Distributorship

    Please call 1906. It is your Emergency toll free number in case of LPG Leakage. This number is operated 24 x 7.

    Locate HP Gas distributor.

    Ans. You can click here to locate the nearest HPCL LPG Regional Offices.

    For immediate redressal of complaint you may use the following options:

    The weight of the empty cylinder (Tare Weight) is stenciled on the shroud of the cylinder (on the Blue Band in case of HPCL). The weight of LPG filled is 14.2 kg. Therefore, the weight of the filled cylinder would be “Tare WT”+14.2 kg.

    Before accepting delivery of filled cylinder, you are advised to check the weight of the cylinder (85.1 KB)pdficon  . In case the weight of gas is +/- 150 gms, you can refuse to accept the sealed cylinder and contact Customer Service Cell.

    No. Use of Domestic LPG in motor vehicle, geyser or any other LPG run appliances is prohibited under LPG Control Order. Instead you can use Auto LPG in vehicles, which is available at selected Retail Outlets (Petrol Pumps).

    Third Party Public Liability Insurance Policy for the Period 2024-25 (263 KB)pdficon

    Yes. HPCL has taken a Public Liability Insurance Policy. All registered HP GAS consumers (having valid SV) are insured against outcome of an accident at their registered premises due to LPG. Details are also available with all the distributors and Customer Service Cell.

    Procedure to be followed by customers:

    • In case of any accident involving consumer’s LPG installation, he/she has to forthwith advice the supplying distributor.
    • Whenever an accident is reported, the concerned Regional Office investigates the cause of accident and if the accident is LPG accident, the local office of the Insurance Company is notified by the concerned distributor / Regional Office and subsequently lodges claim with the concerned Insurance Company.
    • Customers are not required to apply to Insurance Company or to contact them directly.
    • Customers are required to submit to the Oil Company the originals of Death Certificate(s) and Post Mortem report(s) /Coroners report/Inquest report, as applicable, in case of deaths and original Medical Bills, Doctors' Prescriptions in original supporting the purchase of the medicines, Discharge Card in original and any other documents related to the hospitalization in case of injuries.
    • In case of property damage at customers’ registered premises, the Insurance Co. appoints their Surveyor to assess the loss.
    • Claims are settled based upon the merit of each case. The concerned Insurance Company takes decision regarding settlement of the claim as per the provisions of Insurance Policies.

    In case of replacement for loss of cylinder/regulator, an Undertaking as per format(18.6 KB)pdficon is to be given on plain paper to your distributor.

    Replacement of lost/defective Cylinders/Regulators can be done in the following cases:


    • Cylinders damaged in accidents due to LPG are replaced free of cost to the customer.
    • Cylinder will be replaced at Normal Tariff, in case of Established cases of theft and supported by FIR and non- traceable certificate from police. In case customer is unable to produce FIR, replacement will be at Penal Tariff.


    • Theft and accident cases would be dealt as above.
    • In other cases:
    • Normal wear and tear involving (a) broken regulating knob and (b) broken Bakelite ring (bearing collar) will be replaced free of charge.
    • Regulators with broken or damaged body, broken outlet nozzle, missing top or Bakelite ring, opened and re-riveted ones will be replaced at Normal Tariff.
    • Regulator will be replaced at Normal Tariff in case of Established cases of theft and supported by FIR and non- traceable certificate from police. In case customer is unable to produce FIR, replacement will be at Penal Tariff.
    • Normal mode of delivery for all LPG distributors of HPC situated in Sheheri, Rurban & Gramin markets are home delivery of refills to all registered customers residing in their respective area of operation.
    • Only under exceptional conditions, filled cylinders deliveries on cash-any-carry basis (non-home delivery) are permitted with a rebate, from LPG distributor situated in Sheheri, Rurban or Gramin market
    • However, Durgan Kshetriya Vitraks (DKVs), as per policy, are authorized to supply LPG cylinder refills ex-godown on cash and carry basis with the rebate.
    • The current applicable rebate is Rs. 33.43 for a 14.2 Kg Cylinder.