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HPCL Profit for FY 2021-22 at ₹ 6,383 crore, Highest ever Revenue of ₹ 3,72,642 Crore up by 38%

Mumbai – 19.05.2022

The year 2021-22 has been a remarkable year with world economies recovering back strongly from the lows of Covid Pandemic on improved vaccine coverage and adoption of covid appropriate behavior. Energy Consumption – a key indicator of economic activity staged a smart comeback with consumption gradually moving towards pre-pandemic levels.

Demand revival coupled with improved economic activities resulted in crude prices gradually strengthening from US$ 62-65 per barrel in beginning of year to US$ 85 per barrel by Oct’21. Thereafter, rising Geopolitical tensions and the Russia-Ukraine conflict resulted in crude price touching multi year high of US$ 138 per barrel in March 2022 before retreating to US$ 110-115 per barrel towards the end of FY22.

In line with sharp rebound in economic activities in India during FY22, the domestic sales of petroleum products also recovered from the lows of FY21 (190 MMT) and touched 205 MMT during FY22. Against this background HPCL reported its highest ever quarterly sales revenue of ₹ 1,04,942 crore (Q4 PY ₹ 84,905 crore) an increase of 24% with a Profit after Tax of ₹ 1,795 Crore. The company also reported its highest ever Annual sales revenue of ₹ 3,72,642 crore (PY ₹ 2,69,243 crore) a growth of 38% with a Profit after Tax (PAT) of ₹ 6,383 crore.

The domestic sales of HPCL for the period January-March 2022 was 10.26 MMT as compared to corresponding sales of 9.83 MMT in the previous year corresponding quarter, showing a growth of more than 4%. During the financial year HPCL has achieved domestic sales volume of 37.45 MMT as compared to 35.20 MMT in the same period previous year, representing a growth of more than 6%. During the year the company registered market share gain for Total Motor Fuels (TMF) Sales among industry with Petrol and Diesel sales growing by 10.6% and 5.1% respectively over FY21.

With Highest ever LPG Sales of 7.7 MMT during FY22, HPCL continued to be India’s second largest LPG marketer registering a growth of 4.4% over FY21. With Aviation sector picking up momentum, ATF sales witnessed a growth of 30.7% over FY21.

Mumbai Refinery successfully completed one of the most complex expansion projects towards revamping & capacity expansion of the major processing units. The Refinery is currently operating at enhanced designed capacity of 9.5 MMTPA and during Q4 FY22, it has registered highest quarterly crude thruput. During this period, HPCL refineries processed 4.69 MMT Crude as compared to 4.39 MMT Crude processed during Q4 FY21. The thruput of Refineries for full year was 13.97 MMT. Gross Refinery Margin is $ 12.44 / bbl for the period January – March 2022 as against $ 8.11 / bbl for the same period in the previous year. The Gross Refinery Margins for the period April – March 22 is $ 7.19 / bbl as against $ 3.86 / bbl during the corresponding period of previous financial year.

HPCL reported consolidated PAT of ₹ 7,294 crore for period April - March 2022 as against ₹ 10,663 crore during the corresponding period of previous year.

For the year 2021-22, HPCL has proposed a final dividend of ₹ 14 per share.

Strategic Updates

The Corporation crossed a key milestone of 20,000 Retail Outlets with commissioning of 1,391 Retail outlets during FY22 taking the total Retail Outlets to 20,025. Further, 51 new LPG distributorships were commissioned during the year taking the total number of distributors to 6,243 as of 31st March 2022.

During FY22, 2 new LPG plants were commissioned increasing the LPG Bottling capacity by 150 TMTPA. Additional mounded storage capacity of 5.5 TMT has also been added to meet the increasing LPG demand.

To ensure increased availability of alternate fuels and offering more choices to customers, CNG facilities were added at 413 Retail Outlets during the year taking the total number of Retail Outlets with CNG facilities to 1,087.

273 new Door-to-Door Mobile Dispensers were added during the year to our existing fleet taking the total of such dispensers to 660.

In the 11/11A round of CGD bidding of PNGRB in 2021-22, HPCL was awarded authorization for setting up of CGD network in 3 Geographical areas in the states of Rajasthan, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal. With this, HPCL along with its JVs have authorization for setting up of CGD network in 23 geographical areas comprising 48 districts spread across 12 states.

Our Green R & D Centre (HPGRDC) at Bengaluru expanded the capacities with acquisition of additional land and adding 7 new laboratories for leveraging the R&D capabilities. HPGRDC received 33 patents during the year crossing the milestone of 100 patents taking the cumulative number of patents granted to 123 as of 31st March 2022. HPGRDC is one of the fastest growing R&D institutions in the Oil & Gas sector in the country.

HPCL’s Visakh Refinery Modernization Project (VRMP) is progressing well and mechanical completion for units have commenced in a phased manner, it is expected that the refinery will commence operating at enhanced capacity during H1 FY23 and progressively higher thruput shall be available. Residue Upgradation Facility (RUF) which will improve the distillate yields by converting the residuals and enhance the refinery complexity and GRMs of Visakh Refinery is under construction. The project of setting up a 9 MMTPA Refinery cum Petrochemical complex at Barmer Rajasthan has achieved significant progress with placement of turnkey contracts for major process and LSTK contract for associated works/utilities etc. Construction work is in progress at site at full swing.

HPCL’s major ongoing cross-country pipeline projects - Vijayawada to Dharmapuri product Pipeline and Hassan-Cherlapally LPG Pipeline, are nearing completion and likely to be commissioned during H1 FY23. Barmer-Palanpur Pipeline is ahead of schedule and work on Bhatinda – Sangrur pipeline has also started.

HPCL LNG Limited (HPLNG), a wholly owned subsidiary of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) is building a 5 MMTPA LNG regasification Terminal at Chhara in Somnath District of Gujarat. The project is progressing well and is in the advanced stage of construction.

HPCL is constructing a Second Generation Ethanol Bio Refinery at Bathinda, Punjab with production capacity of 100 KL per day ethanol from biomass and the project is expected to be completed in FY23. HPCL is also setting up a Compressed Biogas (CBG) plant of 15 MT/day capacity at Badaun, Uttar Pradesh.

HPCL won Indian Air Force tender for fuel supplies at 5 IAF stations for five years commencing 1st April 2022.

Various initiatives have been taken by HPCL towards transitioning to Low Carbon Economy:

During FY22, HPCL achieved Ethanol blending of 9.03% by blending over 95 crore litres Ethanol in Motor Spirit (MS). HPCL is the first among OMCs to achieve Ethanol blending in all States/UTs in India.

Electric Vehicle (EV) charging facilities were added at 927 Retail Outlets during the year taking the total Retail Outlets with EV Charging facility to 1,011 marking a key milestone in our Carbon Transition Journey.

HPCL is setting up Battery Swapping Stations at its Retail outlets with the help of Battery Swap Solution Providers. At present, battery swapping is used for e2Ws/e3Ws in India and this segment accounts for over 90% of the country’s EV sales. During FY22, Battery Swapping Stations have been set up at 8 Retail Outlets.

HPCL has also signed an agreement with Honda Power Pack Energy India Pvt Ltd, Indian subsidiary of Honda Global to collaborate in the field of e-mobility and provide Battery swapping solutions across our Retail Outlets in major cities across India. This marks the global debut of Honda’s battery sharing service and HPCL has been chosen as the preferred partner.

Towards usage of more renewable power in Retail Outlet operations, solar panels were installed at 1,763 Retail Outlets during the year taking the total number of Retail Outlets with solar power to 6,411. With this 32% of our Retail outlet network is now powered by renewable energy.

During FY22, HPCL has installed captive solar power capacity of 10.06 MWp across various terminals/plants taking the total renewable power capacity to 155 MWp as of 31st March, 2022.

A 370TPA Green Hydrogen plant is being set-up at Visakh Refinery to meet the requirement of Green Hydrogen in line with National Hydrogen Mission.

During FY22, HPCL also released LOIs for setting up of 262 CBG plants with estimated production capacity of 516 TMTPA

HPCL is also in the process of developing a validated roadmap with the help of a world-renowned consultant to achieve Net Zero Scope-1 & Scope-2 Emissions by 2040.

During the year FY22, HPCL has forayed into non-fuel retailing by launching the branded retail store “Happy Shop” at select retail outlets .The objective is to provide a range of good quality daily use products to customers at their convenience with modern retail experiences. At present, 9 Happy shops are in operation across the country.

For outstanding performance across various spheres of business, HPCL was recognized with several prestigious awards during the year including “Oil Marketing Company of the Year” for leadership in Oil Marketing business in India by Federation of Indian Petroleum Industry (FIPI) awards for second consecutive year.

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